Friday 17 November 2023 | 7.00pm – 8.00pm| Reservation required
With the demands and worries of everyday life, it’s easy to get stuck in our heads, flooded with noisy thoughts and judgments, detached from our bodies, and disconnected from our inner wisdom and natural joy.
It is by knowing and developing a relationship with what we might call the “deep heart,” that it becomes possible to calm the mind, heal the nervous system, establish a natural and satisfying meditation practice, and reconnect with wonder and amazement. and unconditional love.
If you would like personalized support in establishing this new baseline or deepening your current practice, I invite you to an event free of charge and will take you on a silent journey of step-by-step transformation out of your head and into your Heart.
With the right support you can find a clear and resourceful mind to use in every situation.
Book now: | 380 3678354