Sat Nam Rasayan: the art of healing

SAT NAM RASAYAN: the natural healing technique for these times, a cure that leads to a deep meditative process and develops the human ability to contain experience.
Sat Nam Rasayan is an adequate therapy for the process of change, it stimulates the meditative possibility to learn and learn, the possibility of keeping the polarities of the conflict together, placing the person who observes and contains what happens in the neutral position. It is a moment of profound care, suitable for everyone, a traditional method, but which belongs to the present time, to develop the human ability to move and act in change.
In the process of change we have a discipline to remain flexible, to be able to adapt. And Sat Nam Rasayan gives the possibility of looking at what is possible through a meditative process.

We can define Sat Nam Rasayan as the art of healing through the projective meditative mind: you are the person who gets healed and yet you are in a position to experience the state of the meditative mind, the natural state of the mind exactly as it can happen to a yogi.
This keeps us aware because through the meditative mind it is possible to reduce the tendency towards inefficiency and inability of those who undergo therapy.
The Sat Nam Rasayan session is individual, lasts an hour and opens doors and a thousand opportunities because by working on subtle energies, it opens the heart, refines the mind, induces us to look beyond.

Book your private session: | 380 3678354