Sleeping deep with Yoga

Sleep well: how important is it? And how much does sleep – or lack thereof – affect us?
Sleep is one of the pillars of well-being. However, sleep disorders now represent a global epidemic, which does not spare even developing countries
The consequences of prolonged lack or lack of sleep are increasingly evident to the scientific and medical community: memory loss, learning disabilities, mood disorders, motor deficits and mental problems are just some of the conditions often associated with problems related to the sphere of sleep. To read more about it:
In the hope of solving or alleviating the problem, millions and millions of people around the world resort to synthetic drugs, but yoga offers us a diversified and complex approach to understand and deal with sleep disorders, an approach that draws on ancient wisdom and the wisdom very ancient that can still embrace the most recent discoveries of neuroscience.
Yoga teaches us to promote proper sleep hygiene with the support of daily practice and with the development of a lifestyle that positively influences the general state of health.
Among the main positions that yoga suggests, Viparita Karani is an anti-stress asana that helps free the mind of worries and stimulates circulation. It can be performed with the help of a wall as a support for the legs, or completely free body. While lying on your back, your legs are raised with your feet clubbed and your arms extended in a cross shape. The position can be maintained for a few breaths and must be dissolved slowly, first bringing the knees towards the chest and embracing them by raising the arms, before relaxing.
The Savasana position represents the relaxation asana par excellence. It is suitable for deep relaxation and Yoga Nidra, particularly recommended in case of insomnia. It is performed lying on the back and slightly spreading the legs and arms. Your spine should be fully flat on the ground, your palms facing up and your toes relaxed but pointing slightly outward. Finally, it may help to place a pillow under the head.

Rita Casadio, May 10th, 2023